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Saturday, August 26, 2006

I know its weird. Don't bother telling me so in comments or concerend phone calls. Don't go making appointments for me to be kidnapped by men in white coats. I still want to do it. I probably won't, but I can't get it out of my head. Today I even disscussed it with the Hubster. He said that in the end I will decide not to do it. That make sme want to even more!

The thing is, If I was to do it, Id have to do it NOW. Today. Very soon. Its going to be time for boots right away and if it all goes horribly wrong, I'd like to wear my cast in the summer time...

I walk down the street looking at cars and I think it. I stand at the drivers side window and think, it would be SOOOOO easy! I have taken to looking at cars in parking lots, trying to guess their weight and suitibility. But, I'm. Not. Crazy.

I want to stick my foot in front of the tire of a moving vehicle. I want to see if it will hurt. And if so , how much. Are we talking fractures? Broken? Crushed? Will the brusing be just on the top or the bottom as well? Will I lose any toenails? Should I do just the toes or the whole foot? Logic says the whole foot, if its just the toes they are smaller, less surface area, and it will end up doing more damage. Hey what about the arch of my foot? How is that constructed? Will it "flatten" my arch and I will have to wear special "granny" shoes from now on?

How much damage would a wee little Mini Cooper going, say 40k, actually do to a foot. Not much I think! Or a moter bike. Maybe I should start with something reallllly small. But won't that defeat the purpose? A semi or a half ton, now im not stupid, I know those are out of the question. And mini vans too. Ive seen how much crap can fit in one of those things!

But a mini cooper or a VW Bug? Those are tiny, and if its going fast enough, the tire would be over the foot and gone in Less then two seconds. I fail to see how that will result in "Crushed bones" and "fraction burns", but thanks for you;re opinion Hubby. There are many tiny bones that can break of course, and one must admit, that by taking the season into consideration, Im actually putting a lot of thought in this. Its been running around the edges of my mind for about two years now. and each time I walk in a parking lot with their cornicopia of moving vehicles, it gets harder and harder to keep my feet where they belong.

When I do it, who wants pictures?

What are the chances the pain is so bad I collapse and get dragged under the car? I would make sure there is no oncoming traffic to hit me of course, as well as a ride home in case it was my driving foot. But I honestly think the most I would get is a lot of bruising and a cool story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm seriously concerned for you. WTH?? I don't see how anything painful is fun...but that's just me. I think this is very weird. But I still love ya.

10:38 PM, August 26, 2006  
Blogger Bluepaintred said...

FlipFlopMama so i get the feeling you see a flaw in my plan LOL

11:54 PM, August 26, 2006  
Blogger MIA said...

Do it! I was going to but you go first. You let me know how it goes then I'll go. pinky promise
have you had a baby? how bad can it be

1:23 AM, August 27, 2006  
Blogger L said...

I once got mad at my bicycle and went to kick the tire missed and kicked the metal frame and it broke two of my toes, so I am guessing it might hurt just a tiny little bit LOL.

11:40 AM, August 27, 2006  
Blogger Jessica said...

I think you should ask for more moneY! And make sure someone you trust had your kids (if you have em) so when the looney bus comes to get you they will not be a concern... hee hee

9:49 AM, August 28, 2006  
Blogger Jessica said...

I think you should ask for more moneY! And make sure someone you trust had your kids (if you have em) so when the looney bus comes to get you they will not be a concern... hee hee

9:49 AM, August 28, 2006  
Blogger Jessica said...

I think you should ask for more moneY! And make sure someone you trust had your kids (if you have em) so when the looney bus comes to get you they will not be a concern... hee hee

9:49 AM, August 28, 2006  
Blogger Jessica said...

I think you should ask for more money! hee hee

9:50 AM, August 28, 2006  

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