Calling all geeks

Friday, November 30, 2007

And by geeks I mean anyone smarter than I am who also has the patience to teach the unteachable.

Google, who owns Blogger, has pissed me off for the last time. Apparently, from what I have heard, If you do not have a Blogger blog, you may now not leave me comments with links to your blog.

And, in case anyone is wondering, THAT FUCKING SUCKS.

I want Bluepaintred OFF Blogger.

I own, through NameCheap, the domain It is up for renewal 27 January, 2008.

1. How do I move BPR and keep my old posts and hopefully my awesome comments.

2. How much will it cost, per month or per year.
- the cost factor is very important. My paypal account sits at zero and will until after December as all of that money is going to Christmas Presents and Bills.

3. I won't get to keep my beautiful template will I?

4. I need a place for BPR to move to that allows, If I should ever decide int he future for me to do Paid posts, and or Ads.
- some of you may have noticed that if PayPerPost has an oppertunity high enough, I will do it here. That is my choice, hate it if you will.

5. I need someone to either show me how to make the switch or do it for me. I will also need that same person to allow me to blast their ears off with "But now how do I do this? And this? And This?"

And last of all?

Can someone tell me it's all going to be OK?

PEE ESS: my e-mail is if you cannot comment, please send me an email if you have any answers to any questions!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course it will be okay. As for the other stuff, it's easy. I left blogger last year. You can switch to Wordpress and import all your entries AND comments. As for the hosting stuff, I'll email you sometime this weekend. I gotta go get some sleep cuz eye r tyred and have that test in the a.m.

PS - you're right. There is no way to link. It doesn't even ask for email.

HOWEVER, people can get an account without having to blog. I keep my blogger account for my blogger pals, even though my site is hosted elsewhere.

12:23 AM, December 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking (saw the post on ppp). Can I put my website here in comments in html without a blogger account?

Yep, I'm able to put my site in using html in the comment box. As long as people know simple html it should be ok. I'm not familiar with blogger though so I don't what the change was.

1:23 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Shelli said...

I think I can help. I don't know about keeping your template. It will be hard through email or chat. I am not sure how the new blogger works now with exporting your posts, but I think we could figure it out. Otherwise, you could hire someone to help you with it. Generally speaking, a lot of the people who do web design know how to import the posts and/or change your design from a blogger template to a Wordpress template.

2:18 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Shelli said...

Now if you go to the link that is my name, it takes you to a profile page and my blog link is there.

2:19 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger teebopop said...

I've had a blogger account for a long time because of the same problem you mentioned. The only thing it says on my blogger blog is where to go where my REAL blog is ... no one has ever hassled me about doing this for over a year. You might want to do this before you jump in and start changing (and possibly losing stuff).

It's my educated guess that you will NOT be able to transfer your design theme over to Wordpress without changing the code. People who do the actual coding will tell you that.

Just a thought.

6:38 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Avitable said...

Wordpress makes it easy to import all of your old posts and comments. Good luck with that!

7:29 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Not a Granny said...

I am no geek, you know that. Just be sure that wherever you go, I can find you!! You know I am your secret stalker.

8:36 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Fantastagirl said...

I'm so not a geek or at least not in this area - good luck!

9:11 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Bob said...

I got your back. Emailing...

9:11 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

OH golly, my brain hurts now.

9:39 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Tug said...

Yeah, um...I'm lost. I'm still on blogger - is this something I need to be worried about?


10:07 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Megan said...

I switched from Blogger last year. You can move your posts and comments, but I'm afraid the template will have to be redone.

Why do these people have to screw with shit that ain't broken?

10:13 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Robin said...

Blogger blows and you do not, that I know of. I hope it gets worked out...I did it so long ago I don't remember how...moving to a domain that is :P

10:23 AM, December 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why Google has to ruin everything. Good luck with the transition and keep us posted.

11:16 AM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Donna said...

total choice is a very popular host. it costs $44 bucks a year.

if my server wasn't being such a whore bitch slut I'd host you for nuthin.

any graphics person can switch your template to fit word press or expression engine. i dislike word press but it's easiest for a newbie ex blogspot person.

12:16 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger The Ferryman said...

Blue does blow, Robin, but she will NOT swallow.

5:26 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger sam {temptingmama} said...

Yeah, really hate what they've done about the commenting... I could leave the link to my website in the comment every time, but it just feels like whoring and that's not what commenting is about.

Even though I JUST did it. Sue me.

Yes, you can transfer everything and if you have the right person you can have your template changed over for you, though, depending on the contact they may charge you. Moving it to wordpress would cost to create a theme for the template.

Overall - avg 10 a month for webhosting
Wordpress - free
someone to create a theme for you with the template design you have would depend on them.

I am glad I switched about a year ago. The task is daunting at first, but well worth it!

Best of luck!

5:29 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Jester said...

I can help you get your own domain, with your template, in a wordpress installation, with all your posts intact.

Let me know if you need help.

6:38 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Katie said...

It SUCKS how blogger has done this stupid thing and I hope that lots of people take it as the final straw, and move to their own domains. I left blogger nearly a year ago, and I haven't looked back.

I second wordpress - I had help from my boyfriend when I moved over but then again I didn't really have an establish blog/template to move.

Sounds like you have a lot of offers of help - wordpress is easy to navigate once you're here and I'm sure it's not too hard to move over.

I have a blogger account because some blogs I comment on don't allow "anonymous" comments, but still - it's so stupid what blogger/google has done now!

8:49 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Robin said...

That explains it all Fab.

8:55 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger annie said...

I like Haloscan commenting pretty well. You could just add it and turn off Blogger comments from here on out.
I noticed since the Blogger change, I get a lot of "error" when I try to leave a comment on Blogger blogs!

9:21 PM, December 01, 2007  
Blogger Donna said...

Ok, so what is it doing? I still see my avatar and all I had to do that was different was fill in the nickname area.

What else is it doing?

9:26 PM, December 01, 2007  

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