Oh My God, What A Day

Monday, October 30, 2006

Whew. this has been a busy weekend, am I ever glad I got my Sunday Six and Birthday post done up before hand. I haven't had time to respond to many comments, nor leave many, But I have been reading posts and comments.

So Don't cry.

Now, Lori asked how to Sign up for Sunday six. Its really quite quite simple. Sometime, during the week leading up to Sunday, Kelly a working mom with two adorable children, Jack and Janelle, will put six questions up on her blog. There isn't a set day to go and get the questions, as Kelly is rather busy, but it is always worth my time, and I am sure yours to hop over to get them! Then all you do is post your Sunday Six, on Sunday, obviously, and if you want other Sunday Sixers to pop in and read it, drop a comment at Kelly's stating that you played Sunday Six. I for one will pop over to anyone who says they have played. I'd also like to make a special request that Mrs. Fab pose next weeks questions to Mr. Fab. (P.S. if you want the Sunday Six Image and are unsure how to grab it, ask!!)

RM's party was great. We had seven kids, including my three. One of the other kids unfortunatly came down with the flu, BUT RoxDar has promised to come drink my coffee and let the kids play another day! YAY. He got some awesome gifts from the kids, and it was SO worth it to pay the bux to have the party outside the house. no muss no fuss, they did it all, from cutting and serving the cake, to packing up the gifts for us to take home. The kids, mine at least because we came early and stayed late, played HARD for five hours, only to come home and carve pumpkins. I was told that Seven really IS a lucky number because this was the best birthday ever. So I am happy he is happy. However Sister mine, He asked tonight when I tucked him in if you had commented on "His" post yet. Think about that for a minute. Compare your age to his. Do the Math.

Did everyone go check out the pics in the Photo section? Im not too proud to say mine turned out the best, and if you value your life, you will definatly agree with me. BUT, RM carved his own. His Own! He has never ever tried this before. Always before I figured he was too young even to scoop, not to mention playing with knives. He got cut once, which he hid from me untill this afternoon when he complained how red and sore it was. BB also did one, which shocked me. I figured he would be happy enough to sit and watch us carve, but my MIL helped him scrape and supervised him cutting, and dammit he did a great job for such a little guy. It seems to me, I am not giving the boys due credit. I wonder what else they can and would enjoy doing that I think they can't.....

Anyways, another reason I am not online so much is we have company right now. My SIL Spongebob and her baby Tubby are here foir a week, due to an asshole landlord. Now I ask you who kicks a ten month old baby out - in the cold - and still sleeps at night. thats just RUDE. So I have been filling my day with girl talk, baby talk and coffee. Lots of coffee. I love coffee. I think I might divorce my husband and marry Juan Valdes. I think it's a good plan.

And Oh My God, whats with adults ruining Halloween? This is NOT some sort of Pagen Holiday, Its not here so we can Worship the freaking Devil. Halloween is for candy. CANDY! Wee tiny Chocolate bars, ring pops, tootsie rols, micro sized bags of chips, Rockets. Pillow case upon pillow case of candy! I repeat
This is not about the devil, unless you are dieting.
Period, End of story. And yet, can RM wear his homemeade pirate costume that HE thought up and helped me get together to school? NO. Tommorrow he has to get up, change out of his jogging pants, and into the only pair of jammies that fits him (Kiss, thank God for the Harry Potter Jammies, THANK YOU). Yea, tommorrow at school is Bad Hair and Pajama Day. WTF people? What! The! Fuck! On the up side, not only will you get photos of the kids in the costumes, you will get photos of all three with pajamas and bad hair.*

Did I mention at 8 pm I realised I had no idea where his pajamas were, ended up finding them in the bottom of a hamper covered in dried porridge, realised I had to wash them before tommorrow, then realised that Spongebobs clothes were in the dryer, which sucks** and that I would have to have them dried PLUS the load in the washer into the dryer before I could even start to wash his jammies? It's 10:45 and his jammies are in the wash now, they have 20 minutes left.

Sigh. I swear the only thought that has gotten me through this day, is that tommorrow night I will be dining on Micro Chocolate and sweet sweet suckers. Welcome to My Idea of Heaven.

Oh, and D.B. Thanks man, I would have forgotten, infac this is an edit while I wait for blogrolling to load. Check it out... You're over there now, with all teh perfect people. Welcome!

*Unless I can't find Stupe and BB's jammies, in which case you will get Gitch and bad hair photos of those two. We aren't a pajama family. We turn up the heat and have fuzzy nummy blankies, and we sleep..... comfortably.
**My dryer is old, and it has to go thru two cycles to dry a normal sized load. Lets not talk about towels and jeans. Or my energy bill. Or the cost of a new dryer. And washer, Cus I'd want a set.

This happens to be my five hundredth post. woohoo Blue. Or something.


Blogger Catch said...

I so enjoyed looking at your pics!!!! I never realized how much your boys look alike!!! They look like triplets except they are all a different size! Very cute kids. And the pumpkins were great!!! I mean, thats some fancy carving!!! Very nice Blue. And I was so suprised to see a pic of you!!! You are just a kid!!! LOL.....very cute with an ornery personality to match. ;)). You look like my cousin Missy. I really enjoyed seeing all of them!!!! Thank you for sharing!

2:12 AM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... I am one with the blogoshpere again now that I am on your blogroll.

Tomorrow is Bad Hair and Pajama Day for me too, I'm off. From work that is. The other I'm off is 24/7 for me.

2:47 AM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger Bluepaintred said...

Catch We always get comments on their lok a likedness but me and hubster dont see it ! and with pumkin masters, the carving is really easy! and FYI, im 27 lol

DB its always bad hair day for me hehehehe. do you feel special now?

Mr.Fabbut you cant answer like you would, say if some one at work asked you. you have to answer like you and mrs fab are in bed, have to get up in six hours and you have a fit of the giggles!

7:46 AM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bad Hair and Pajama Day"

we NEVER had days like that when I went to school! no fair!

9:39 AM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great pics i am so glad you had a good time at your birthday rainbow man.. have a great time tricker treating dress warm and have fun i cant wait to see pics of you boys in your costumes i will talk to you all on wednesday

love auntie kiss

2:20 PM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i remember living in a small christian town and having bad hair and pj day on halloween....wow and who is juan valdes.....im very confused...

3:30 PM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger L said...

Great photos Blue!

Zombie Spiderman was my fav.

8:41 PM, October 31, 2006  

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