Welcome to My life.
The paintbrush bit my boob. There was a lot of blood.
I might have cried.
Me and my ice pack are busy making sweet, sticky love.
Don't worry. Stage 2 of Project Polka Dot is complete.
Here is a picture. Of Stage 2, not my boob.
Labels: I'm Important Too
well, Im not sure if your paonyting the room red or the lighter color.....but I sure like that red...it looks real good. Hope your boob is better!! lol
wow..hows that for typos.....paonting.....hah....should be painting!
So far, so good!
Sheila used to be on top all the time...
Sheila is right. But I have to point out that this post IS useless without pics of the boob.
OOOh, hope the girl is alright! But...a paint brush? Further explanation is required.
Let me see the boob and I'll give you sympathy. I don't understand how a brush bit it, though.
Don't they make bras out of kevlar? You could use one.
I wanna see the icepack...
Okay, I read the older post...I now understand about the paintbrush...you poor baby!
I like the red, but hate painting...so I'm glad it's you and not me.
Love those colors. So pretty.
Let's just say, I'm impressed: both with the painting and the ability to cut yourself on seemingly harmless things.
THANK GOD!! I can now remove the heavy, heavy crown of "Queen of Ineptitude"! I now pass it on to you. If you had posted pictures of your boo-boo-booby I would have offered to kiss it for you!
Was it the brushy part or the metal part?
oooh, that looks nice! I'd like to do something like that to my living room...
Careful with that ice pack it might hurt your freezer sensitive nipples
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