Post Comments

Monday, March 27, 2006

i recently asdded a site counter to the site, and had 168 veiws in the last 3 days WOOHOO
soooo, why do i only have a handful of comments? is it lazyness or people just dont know how to leave a comment?
its easy . if you are already a blogger member you donthave to do anything, if you arent then you need to click on "other" and fillin you name or id, whatever you like, and ignore the URL part, just leave it blank, unless you have a link you like to use. for my URL i use my blogs site (www,
i believe i also have it set up for anonymouse as well, not sure. but the point i am trying to make is leave comments! how can i know you came to visit if you dont... just a simple Hi will make my day !

remember, click "other" type a name, type a comment and hit "publish" sound simple? thats because it IS!


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